The Game Litepaper 003: Trait Abilities (Season One)

Star Wolvez
2 min readJul 1, 2022


To enhance pack members’ affinity with their Wolvez and inject additional excitement in gameplay, many of the traits that correspond to Star Wolvez NFTs are associated with buffs to gameplay.

Whether it’s traits that grant Wolvez higher yield in Mining Missions or help them avoid opponents in PVPs and Battledomes, traits have been thoughtfully tied to buffs based on the real-world characteristics they represent and their rarity.

To begin, the majority of buffs are relatively simple. This is not to say they are not significant, but we were also conscious not to overcomplicate matters nor potentially create game-breaking mechanics or “OP-ness”. Many of these ideas were also pulled from considerable and thoughtful community input on what traits might correspond to certain buffs.

Overtime, as players get familiar with the existing schemas outlined below, we plan to add additional complexity and make changes to buffs to keep gameplay exciting, balanced, and evolving.

Note: Traits are stackable. If your wolf has a body type with armor and a special pair of goggles, all traits in tandem may confer advantages on your gameplay. The moon is not the limit.

Finally, it’s also worth noting that buffs corresponding to traits are part of what will set the Star Wolvez apart from other compatible NFTs within the game. Wolvez will always be OP — from these special abilities, to higher HP ratings across the board.

View the spreadsheet here >

As part of our previous Bounty, members of the community created their own ideas around traits and abilities. We have stored these and will revisit many of the ideas as we build complexity into the traits and system over time. Check out some of the best submissions from the community:



Star Wolvez

Where we’re going, the moon will be just a speck of dust.